The Revd Leigh Maydew

Welcome to my blog.

I am a Presbyter (Minister) in the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Circuit. Starting a blog as a way of keeping in touch with congregations (and others).

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Easter 4 Sermon

Based On:Acts 4:5-12, 1 John 3:16-24 and John 10:11-18 I’m pretty sure that here in the middle of Wolverhampton there won’t be any farmers in the congregation, perhaps a few in the more rural parts of the Circuit and District, but not here in the City Centre.  But still we seem to have this strange affection…

Easter 3 2024 Sermon

Based on:Acts 3:12-19 and Luke 24:36b-48 In Graham Kendricks song The Servant King verse 3 begins with the words:             Come see His hands and His feet,            The scars that speak of sacrifice… These words are reflected in our reading this morning from Luke’s Gospel, although unlike the other synoptic Gospels, so Matthew and Mark, Luke doesn’t feel the…

The Methodist Conference | Presidential Addresses

Wow, I’ve really not been good at keeping this updated have I…and I’ve definitely not uploaded all of the Methodist Way of Life talks I promised back in February 2022!! 😳 I’m sorry! This week I am back in the Midlands for the Methodist Conference of 2023 which began in its Presbyteral Session on Thursday…

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The Revd Leigh Maydew

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